School Closures & Delays
When North Mason School District officials are determining whether to keep schools on schedule, start late, or close schools due to inclement weather conditions, a lot of effort is put into that decision. Many factors are considered in the decision each time, but the primary focus is always student safety.
School officials make every possible effort to come to a final determination by 5:00am. Sometimes, conditions are stable enough that the district is able to make the announcement the night before.
Please use your own discretion in determining whether to send your children to school if you feel conditions in their particular area are not safe. Do not send students to bus stops or school until you verify school is in session. Parents are urged to share the responsibility for providing a safe environment for students by making sure children are dressed in warm clothes and by encouraging them to observe bus safety rules.
We have provided many options for finding out the status of the school schedule due to inclement weather.
1) Call the District Closure/Delay Hotline to hear a recorded message announcing any school closures, delays and/or bus route changes (360) 277-2390.
2) Visit the District Web Site for updated school closure or delay information.
3) Flash Alerts: Sign up to receive email alerts when the school schedules change due to inclement weather or other emergency situations.
4) Tune to the following radio/TV stations starting at 5:15 a.m. If there is no announcement, school will be in session as normal. Be sure to look/listen for NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT.
KOMO 4 | KSWD FM 94.1 | KQMV FM 92.5 |
KING 5 | KIRO AM 710 | KDDS FM 99.3 |
KIRO 7 | KPLU AM 88.5 | KOMO AM 1000 |
KCPQ 13 | KVTI AM 90.9 | KPWK FM 93.3 |
KXXO AM 96.1 | KCIS AM 630 | | | KIXI AM 880 | KITZ AM 1400 |
KMAS AM 1030 | KAFE FM 104.1 |
5) K12alerts
In the event of weather-related delays and cancellations, the School District will initiate calls to parents and staff members with as much advance notice as the situation allows on a case-by-case basis.
Based on feedback the district received, K12alert calls will begin: 5:45-All staff, 6:00-secondary parents, 6:15-elementary parents.
All of the other communication tools the District has used in the past will also be utilized, as available, after the K12alert calls are initiated. We will always do our best to distribute clear emergency messages in a timely, efficient manner. Calls from K12alerts are voice-activated. The individual who answers the phone must speak a greeting to start the call. If an answering machine picks up the call, K12alert technology will wait for the ‘beep’ and then begin relaying its information so it is recorded for playback.
6) Facebook & Twitter
To create a forum for your input and discussions about North Mason Schools, we have created a Facebook discussion group. In addition to providing news to you, we hope to stimulate discussion and get your opinions through our regular Discussion Questions. To read what others say and to offer your thoughts, go to our Facebook group, North Mason Schools, by clicking on the “Facebook Group” link. You will need to create a Facebook account to participate, but it is very easy to do. We’d love to hear (read?) from you! Join the discussion about NMSD on our Facebook Group.
You can now follow NMSD on Twitter at Superintendent Dana Rosenbach will send short updates and information about our schools once or twice a week. We believe you will find this to be a very convenient way to become informed about important events and activities in your school district.
To get these short “tweets,” go to and quickly create a secure account. From there, it is simple to receive NMSD bulletins by choosing to “follow” nmschools.
We hope you find this to be a helpful – and enjoyable – way to keep tabs on us.
1) When schools open one or two hours late, buses may or may not operate on the snow routes OR schools may open on time, but buses are operating on snow routes. This information will also be available through the media.
2) Buses will pick up student two hours later than normal.
3) There will be no morning kindergarten or academic before-school programs.
4) The Boys & Girls Club before-school program will NOT be open.
5) Breakfast will NOT be served at school.
6) All schools will open their doors two hours later than normal. Please do NOT drop your children off earlier as there will not be adult supervision.
1) Self-explanatory
2) No co-curricular trips
Snow routes will be implemented for our buses when snow and/or icy roads result in hazardous conditions. Please check the Snow Routes (click here) for your child(ren). Bus schedule timing is less predictable in snowy weather; student should plan on getting to their stops a few minutes early. Please don’t wait until it snows to look at the bus snow routes schedule.
Weather conditions may develop during the day which requires early dismissal. Early dismissals will be announced over radio and TV similarly to closures and late openings. Each family should have a plan covering what to do when children are dismissed early in these circumstances. Things to consider are:
What is the best route to and from home if your child cannot be delivered to the normal bus stop?
Where should they go if they need help?
Who would care for the child until you arrive?
Is there someone your child could call to ease fears?